Why Choose Precision Antibody
for Custom Antibody Development?
Precision Antibody has been providing comprehensive service for high quality rapid antibody development to pharmaceutical, biotech, academic and federal laboratory customers for over 20 years.
There are many companies offering seemingly similar services at varying cost. Developing antibodies against your antigen is one thing. However, developing antibodies that work in your intended application is entirely different. Many budget service may deliver a limited number of hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies that recognize the antigen in a solid phase ELISA assay or in a Western blot but there is no guarantee that the developed antibodies will work in your intended applications. Our success rate in the delivery of antibodies that work in your intended assay is >95 %. The industry average is less than 50%.
Precision Antibody develops hyper immune serum titer (>1:100,000) suitable for hybridoma development in about 20 days.
Every antibody development project is unique and understanding of biology behind each project is important. Scientists at Precision Antibody have vast scientific background in immunology, cancer, cell, developmental, and molecular biology, and biochemistry. Your project starts with in-depth discussion with detailed attention to your needs between the Principal Investigator (PI) and our scientists. Particular attention will be given to your intended assay so that we can help you choose appropriate immunogen and screening strategies. We will provide a quote based on the discussion. If you choose to go forward, we will provide a project specification that covers the project, as necessary.

Scientists at our Research and Development (R&D) department are continually improving our state-of-the-art proprietary technology to achieve cost effective development of quality antibodies to serve you better. All of the development processes are performed at our Columbia, Maryland facility, and we do not out-source our work outside the United States as many of our competitors offering budget price do. Your work remains confidential and all the products we generate belong to you. We are AAALAC and OLAW accredited.
Our Precision Antibody team has developed custom monoclonal antibodies used for many applications such as:
- Receptor and/or ligand neutralization.
- Receptor internalization (for ADC applications).
- Receptor agonistic antibodies.
- Anti-idiotypic antibodies for PK and ADA studies.
- Antibodies for sandwich ELISA and lateral flow applications.
- Modification site-specific antibodies (mutation site-specific, phosphorylation site-specific, cleavage site-specific, etc.) High affinity antibodies for immune-mass spec (Immuno-MRM) applications.
- Conformation-specific antibodies.
- Antibodies against small molecule drugs, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.
- Antibodies for immunoprecipitation, IHC, IF, flow cytometry, western blot, and EIA.
We are the preferred service provider for major global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. We also provide BPA for NIH researchers. We are recognized by government agencies as quality antibody developer that provides comprehensive service as evident from our track record for being selected as antibody development contractor for the following initiatives:
- Leidos / NCI Clinical for Proteomic Technologies for Cancer (CPTC): Development gold standard mAbs for cancer biomarkers.
- Leidos / NCI Clinical for Proteomic Technologies for Cancer (CPTC): Antibody & antigen characterization by Biacore™ Analysis Service, ELISA, Western blot analyses, isotyping, & antigen characterization by SDS-PAGE.
- NIAID Malaria Vaccine Production and Support Services contract administered by Leidos.
- Blanket Purchase Agreement (HHSN263201000041B) for NIH Researchers for: (1) Custom Monoclonal/Polyclonal Antibody Development (2) Small and Large Scale Antibody Production, and (3) Biacore Analysis Service.
- National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS): Reagent generation for bioanalytical method development for biologics.
We have five milestone-based phases and phase-based pricing to help our clients as we move along the project. All the processes we perform within the phase are clearly defined. At each phase, we provide data so that our clients can make informed decision to move forward thereby minimizing their risk. Good communication throughout the course of the project is an essential part leading to a successful completion of the project.
We can send 3-5 ml culture supernatants collected from hybridoma clones producing monoclonal antibodies against the target antigen to our customers for validation in their assay if required.
Clones chosen by the validation process will be expanded, cryopreserved, and delivered.
40 to 60 days.
Most antibody developers feel that developing one ELISA-positive antibody recognizing your antigen is sufficient. At Precision Antibody, we strive to develop antibodies that meet your specific application needs. Our success rate in delivering clones that work in our clients’ application is over 95%
All the clones developed are yours. Precision Antibody does not retain any ownership. We are happy to exchange CDA, NDA, & MSA.
We understand the budget restrains you may have. We offer various antibody development programs to accommodate your budgetary restrictions. Please contact us for additional information.